Fascinated and deeply moved by the book I am currently reading, "Sapiens, a Brief History of Humankind", by Yuval Noah Harari, and before finishing it, I had a quick look at the "acknowledgements" page, I was curious to know who Yuval Noah Harari would acknowledge, and what for.
And first, I was a bit disappointed, seeing a whole bunch of people being thanked for their "advice and assistance". And then, I saw this wonderful sentence: " Special thanks to Jared Diamond, who taught me to see the big picture". It really impressed me, and immediately raised a lot of questions: how Jared Diamond managed to teach that? How long did it take, with what sort of theories, exercises, behaviours, hard and soft skills? Do we need to be a famous scientist, a Pulitzer Prize author, a wonderful pianist, and to have received the National Medal of Science, to be acknowledged for teaching somebody "to see the big picture"? Hopefully not. But still. It is not so easy to be acknowledged for something really meaningful for us, isn't it? So maybe the best way would be: - to question ourselves: "what would I love to be acknowledged for?" - And then, to work hard and give it to as many people as we can! :-) We never know: maybe someone, one day, will acknowledge you for that. Or maybe not. But anyway, you will know for sure that you gave it, and that it was meaningful for you and useful for them. So you will be able to acknowledge yourself for that!
3 jours de séminaire intensif pour 25 femmes de l'association Led By Her qui démarrent ainsi leur année d'accompagnement à la création d'entreprise.
J'ai eu la chance d'animer ce séminaire "Improbable" avec Pierre Tectin, artiste contemporain aussi brillant qu'accessible, et de le vivre de manière très intense avec des femmes engagées et passionnées ! Au cours de ce séminaire "Improbable" de la Chaire Entrepreneuriat de l'ESCP Europe, nous les avons invitées à expérimenter de nombreuses pratiques extrêmement riches et utiles dans l'entrepreneuriat et la conduite de projet, aptes à nous questionner et à nous faire sortir de la zone de confort. Elles ont pu ainsi expérimenter le troc, le détournement, la destruction créatrice, le dialogue, les comportements de coopération à l'intérieur d'une équipe, mais aussi parfois les conflits et leur utilité dans le processus créatif.... et au-delà de ces expérimentations très concrètes, les questionnements suscités et les ateliers leur ont permis de créer des oeuvres d'art saisissantes présentées lors d'un vernissage public ! |
AuthorLaure Helfgott Archives
October 2020